Weather Considerations When Planning An Outdoor Glamping Festival Style Wedding or Event

Bell Tent Village

But what if it rains…………well, if you’re asking this question at the very start of your planning process for an outdoor wedding or event, this style probably isn’t the one for you.

We are very honest with our clients and if they aren’t prepared to potentially get married or have their special event with English grey weather popping itself on the guest list, then this style of event or wedding isn’t for you

Planning a glamping wedding can be a unique and memorable experience, but it’s important to consider various weather-related factors to ensure the comfort and safety of your guests.

Here are some key weather considerations when planning a glamping wedding:

Season and Climate

Determine the typical weather patterns for the season and location where you plan to host your glamping wedding. This will help you anticipate weather-related challenges and plan accordingly.

In the UK, our typical wedding glamping season runs from May – October.

Venue Selection

Choose a glamping venue that offers both indoor and outdoor spaces.

Having indoor options like a marquee or barn can be a lifesaver in case of unexpected weather changes and allow you to continue to have your event uninterrupted if the rain decides to pop by.

Accommodation Type

Our bell tents have been tried and tested to deal with any and all english weather. Ensure that the glamping accommodations are equipped to handle various weather conditions.

Tents should be waterproof and insulated.

Bell Tent Hire


Consider installing flooring in outdoor areas to prevent guests from walking on wet or muddy ground. This is especially important if there’s rain in the forecast.


Plan for appropriate lighting for the evening, especially if your wedding will continue after dark. String lights, lanterns, and candles can add a cozy and romantic ambiance.

This is especially important if your wedding glamping area is a walk away from the main reception area and guests will need to access the glamping area after dark.

Dress Code

Advise your guests on appropriate attire for the expected weather conditions. Encourage them to bring layers or jackets if it’s cooler, or sunscreen and hats if it’s hot and sunny.

Chill Out Tent